Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Druschky


Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Druschky

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Druschky K, Toto S, Bleich S, et al.
Severe drug-induced liver injury in patients under treatment with antipsychotic drugs: Data from the AMSP study. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2020 Sep 28:1-14. doi: 10.1080/15622975.2020.1819565. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32892689. Lesen
Druschky, K., Bleich, S., Grohmann, R. et al.
Use and safety of antiepileptic drugs in psychiatric inpatients—data from the AMSP study.
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2017). Lesen
Druschky K, Lorenz J, Druschky A.
Effects of respiratory rate on heart rate variability in neurologic outpatients with epilepsies or migraine: a preliminary study.
Med Princ Pract. 2019 Nov 5.
Druschky K, Bleich S, Grohmann R, Engel RR, Toto S, Neyazi A, Däubl B, Stübner S.
Severe parkinsonism under treatment with antipsychotic drugs.
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2019 Aug 23. Lesen
Toto S, Grohmann R, Bleich S, Frieling H, Maier HB, Greil W, Cordes J, Schmidt-Kraepelin C, Kasper S, Stübner S, Degner D, Druschky K, Zindler T, Neyazi A.
Psychopharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia Over Time in 30 908 Inpatients: Data From the AMSP Study.
Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2019 Sep 1. Lesen
Druschky K, Bleich S, Grohmann R, et al.
Severe hair loss associated with psychotropic drugs in psychiatric inpatients – data from an observational pharmacovigilance program in German-speaking countries.
European Psychiatry 54, (2018), pp 117-123. Lesen
Druschky K, Bleich S, Grohmann R, et al.
Seizure rates under treatment with antipsychotic drugs – data from the AMSP project.
The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry (2018). Lesen
Druschky K, Druschky A
Mobile biofeedback of heart rate variability in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy: a preliminary study
Druschky K, Kaltenhäuser M, Hummel C, Druschky A, Huk WJ, Neundörfer B, Stefan H
Somatosensory evoked magnetic fields following passive movement compared to tactile stimulation of the index finger
EXP BRAIN RES 148(2): 186-195 JAN 2003
Druschky K, Kaltenhäuser M, Hummel C, Druschky A, Huk WJ, Neundörfer B, Stefan H
Postapoplectic reorganization of cortical areas processing passive movement and tactile stimulation – a neuromagnetic case study
NEUROREPORT 13(18): 2581-2585 DEC 2002
Druschky K, Kaltenhauser M, Hummel C, Druschky A, Pauli E, Huk WJ, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Somatotopic organization of the ventral and dorsal finger surface representations in human primary sensory cortex evaluated by magnetoencephalography
NEUROIMAGE 15 (1): 182-189 JAN 2002
Druschky K, Lang E, Hummel C, Kaltenhäuser M, Kohllöffel LUE, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Pain-related somatosensory evoked magnetic fields induced by controlled ballistic mechanical impacts
J CLIN NEUROPHYSIOL 17 (6): 613-622 NOV 2000
Druschky K, Kaltenhauser M, Hummel C, Druschky A, Huk WJ, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Alteration of the somatosensory cortical map in peripheral mononeuropathy due to carpal tunnel syndrome
NEUROREPORT 11 (17): 3925-3930 NOV 27 2000
Druschky K, Walloch T, Heckmann J, Schmidt B, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Chronic parvovirus B-19 meningoencephalitis with additional detection of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid of an immunocompetent patient
J NEUROVIROL 6 (5): 418-422 OCT 2000
Druschky K, Pscheidl E
Different effects of chemically defined structured lipids containing omega 3 or omega 6 fatty acids on nitrogen retention and protein metabolism in endotoxemic rats
NUTR RES 20 (8): 1183-1192 AUG 2000
Druschky K, Stefan H, Grehl H, Neundörfer B
Symptomatic normal-pressure hydrocephalus. A complication of chronic lyme neuroborreliosis
NERVENARZT 70 (6): 556-559 JUN 1999
Druschky K, Hilz MJ, Koelsch C, Hilz MJ, Neundoerfer B
Cardiac sympathetic denervation in Ross syndrome demonstrated by MIBG-SPECT
J AUTONOM NERV SYST 76 (2-3): 184-187 MAY 28 1999
Kirchberger K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Peinemann A, Pauli E, Kettenmann B, Stefan H
Clonidine- and methohexital-induced epileptiform discharges detected by
magnetoencephalography (MEG) in patients with localization-related epilepsies
EPILEPSIA 39 (10): 1104-1112 OCT 1998
Kirchberger K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Peinemann A, Pauli E, Kettenmann B, Stefan H
Clonidine and methohexital-induced epileptic magnetoencephalographic discharges in patients with focal epilepsies
EPILEPSIA 39 (8): 841-849 AUG 1998
Kirchberger K, Hummel C, Stefan H
Postoperative multichannel magnetoencephalography in patients with recurrent seizures after epilepsy surgery
ACTA NEUROL SCAND 98 (1): 1-7 JUL 1998
Hilz MJ, Platsch G, Druschky K, Pauli E, Stefan H, Kuwert T, Neundörfer B, Druschky A
Outcome of epilepsy surgery correlates with sympathetic modulation and neuroimaging of the heart
J NEUROL SCI 216 (1): 153-162 DEC 2003
Stefan H, Hummel C, Scheler G, Genow A, Druschky K, Tilz C, Kaltenhäuser M, Hopfengärtner R, Buchfelder M, Romstöck J
Magnetic brain source imaging of focal epileptic activity: a synopsis of 455 cases
BRAIN 126: 2396-2405 JUL 2003
Druschky A, Heckmann JG, Druschky K, Huk WJ, Erbguth F, Neundörfer B
Severe neurological complications of ulcerative colitis
J CLIN NEUROSCI 9 (1): 84-86 JAN 2002
Druschky A, Hilz MJ, Hopp P, Platsch G, Radespiel-Tröger M, Druschky K, Kuwert T, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Interictal cardiac autonomic dysfunction in temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrated by [I-123] metaiodobenzylguanidine-SPECT
BRAIN 124: 2372-2382 Part 12 DEC 2001
Druschky A, Hilz MJ, Platsch G, Radespiel-Tröger M, Druschky K, Kuwert T, Neundörfer B
Differentiation of Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy in early disease stages by means of I-123-MIBG-SPECT
J NEUROL SCI 175 (1): 3-12 APR 1 2000
Schmitt H, Druschky K, Hummel C, Stefan H
Detection of an epileptic mirror focus after oral application of clonidine
BRIT J ANAESTH 83 (2): 349-351 AUG 1999
Druschky A, Spitzer A, Platsch G, Claus D, Feistel H, Druschky K, Hilz MJ, Neundörfer B
Cardiac sympathetic denervation in early stages of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis demonstrated by I-123-MIBG-SPECT
ACTA NEUROL SCAND 99 (5): 308-314 MAY 1999

Publizierte Kurzfassungen

Druschky K, Kaltenhäuser M, Hummel C, Druschky A, Huk WJ, Neundörfer B, Stefan H
Somatosensory evoked magnetic fields following passive movement of the index finger
AKT NEUROL 29: S232-S232 2002
Druschky K, Hummel C, Druschky A, Kaltenhäuser M, Pauli E, Huk WJ, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Somatotopic organization of the ventral and dorsal finger surface representations in human primary sensory cortex evaluated by magnetoencephalography
AKT NEUROL 28: S91-S91 2001
Druschky K, Hummel C, Druschky A, Kaltenhäuser M, Pauli E, Huk WJ, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Somatosensory cortical representation of the ventral and dorsal finger surfaces in humans
J NEUROL SCI 187: S175-S175 2001
Druschky K, Lang E, Hummel C, Kaltenhäuser M, Kohllöffel LUE, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Cortical processing of painful mechanical impact stimulation evaluated by magnetoencephalography
SCHMERZ 14(1): 53-53 2000
Druschky K, Lang E, Hummel C, Kaltenhäuser M, Kohllöffel LUE, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Cortical processing of painful mechanical impact stimulation evaluated by magnetencephalography
AKT NEUROL 27: S101-S101 2000
Kirchberger K, Kettenmann B, Hummel C, Stefan H
Multichannel Magnetoencephalography for noninvasive focus localization in patients who failed to benefit from epilepsy surgery
Kirchberger K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Kettenmann B, Stefan H
Clonidine Activation of Epileptogenic Foci During Multichannel Magnetoencephalography
EPILEPSIA 39(2): 48-48 1998
Kirchberger K, Koelsch C, Platsch G, Hilz MJ, Neundoerfer B
Ross Syndrome – demonstration of subclinical cardiac sympathetic denervation by MIBG imaging
CLIN AUTONOM RES 8(1): 47-47 1998
Kirchberger K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Peinemann A, Pauli E, Hopfengärtner R, Stefan H
MHT induced epileptic focus activation in MEG recording
EPILEPSIA 38(3): 211-2111 1997
Druschky A, Platsch G , Druschky K, Pauli E, Kuwert T, Stefan H, Neundörfer B, Hilz MJ
Outcome of epilepsy surgery correlates with MIBG uptake in sympathetic neuroimaging of the heart
CLIN AUTON RES 2003; 13 (2): 140
Druschky A, Hilz MJ, Druschky K, Platsch G, Radespiel-Tröger M, Hopp P, Kuwert T, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Interictal Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Demonstrated By I-123-MIBG-SPECT
J NEUROL SCI 2001; 187: 132
Druschky A, Hilz MJ, Druschky K, Platsch G, Radespiel-Tröger M, Hopp P, Kuwert T, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
I-123-MIBG-SPECT Shows Interictal Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
AKTUEL NEUROL 2001; 28 (S 2): 133
Druschky A, Platsch G , Druschky K, Pauli E, Kuwert T, Stefan H, Neundörfer B, Hilz MJ
Outcome of epilepsy surgery correlates with MIBG uptake in sympathetic neuroimaging of the heart
CLIN AUTON RES 2003; 13 (2): 140
Kirchberger K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Peinemann A, Pauli E, Hopfengärtner R, Stefan H
MHT induced epileptic focus activation in MEG recording
EPILEPSIA 38(3): 211-2111 1997
Kettenmann B, Kirchberger K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Pauli E, Stefan H
Clonidine and methohexital induced epileptic MEG discharges
Neundörfer B, Erbguth F, Kirchberger K, Majer M, Koelsch C, Hilz MJ
Botulinum toxin improves compensatory focal hyperhidrosis in Ross Syndrome
CLIN AUTONOM RES 8:288-288 1998
Schmitt HJ, Kirchberger K, Hummel C, Stefan H
Activation of epileptogenic foci by clonidine
ANESTHESIOLOGY 87 (3): A151-A151 Suppl. S SEP 1997


Druschky K, Kaltenhäuser M, Hummel C, Druschky A, Huk WJ, Neundörfer B, Stefan H
Somatosensory evoked magnetic fields following passive movement of the index finger
75. Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Mannheim, 25.9.2002-29.9.2002
Druschky K, Hummel C, Druschky A, Kaltenhäuser M, Pauli E, Huk WJ, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Somatosensory cortical representation of the ventral and dorsal finger surfaces in humans
17th World Congress of Neurology, London, 17.6.2002-21.6.2002
Druschky K, Hummel C, Druschky A, Kaltenhäuser M, Pauli E, Huk WJ, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Somatotopic organization of the ventral and dorsal finger surface representations in human primary sensory cortex evaluated by magnetoencephalography
74. Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Aachen, 19.9.2001-23.9.2001
Druschky K, Lang E, Hummel C, Kaltenhäuser M, Kohllöffel LUE, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Cortical processing of painful mechanical impact stimulation evaluated by magnetoencephalography
Fourth Hamburg Symposium on Clinical Magnetometry, Deutscher Schmerzkongreß 2000, Hamburg, 25.10.2000
Druschky K, Lang E, Hummel C, Kaltenhäuser M, Kohllöffel LUE, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Cortical processing of painful mechanical impact stimulation evaluated by magnetencephalography
73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie (DGN) mit Fortbildungsakademie, Baden-Baden, 27.9.-1.10.2000
Druschky K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Erbguth F, Stefan H
Epileptogene Fokusaktivierung durch Clonidin – MEG Studie
16. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neurologische Intensivmedizin (ANIM), Karlsruhe, 21.1.1999-23.1.1999
Kirchberger K, Kettenmann B, Hummel C, Stefan H
Multichannel magnetoencephalography in patients who failed to benefit from epilepsy surgery
9th ECCN, Ljublijana, Slovenia 3.6.1999-7.6.1999
Kirchberger K, Koelsch C, Platsch G, Hilz MJ, Neundoerfer B
Ross Syndrome: a case with subclinical sympathetic cardiac denervation
Autonomic Nervous System and Metabolic Disorders, joint annual meeting of the sections: Autonomic Nervous System of the German Neurological Society, Diabetes and Nervous System of the German Diabetes Society, and Autonomic Nervous System at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 27.2.1998-28.2.1998
Kirchberger K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Kettenmann B, Stefan H
Clonidine Activation of Epileptogenic Foci During Multichannel Magnetoencephalography
3rd European Congress of Epileptology, Warsaw, Poland, 24.5.1998-28.5.1998
Kirchberger K, Schmitt H, Hummel C, Peinemann A, Pauli E, Hopfengärtner R, Stefan H
MHT induced epileptic focus activation in MEG recording
22nd International Epilepsy Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 29.6.1997-4.7.1997
Druschky A, Platsch G , Druschky K, Pauli E, Kuwert T, Stefan H, Neundörfer B, Hilz MJ
Outcome of epilepsy surgery correlates with MIBG uptake in sympathetic neuroimaging of the heart
5th European Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS) Meeting, Toulouse, 22.05.2003-24.05.2003
Druschky A, Hilz MJ, Druschky K, Platsch G, Radespiel-Tröger M, Hopp P, Kuwert T, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
Interictal Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Demonstrated By I-123-MIBG-SPECT
17. World Congress of Neurology, London, 17.6.-22.6.2001
Druschky A, Hilz MJ, Druschky K, Platsch G, Radespiel-Tröger M, Hopp P, Kuwert T, Stefan H, Neundörfer B
I-123-MIBG-SPECT Shows Interictal Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
74. Kongreß der DGN, Aachen, 19.9.-23.9.2001

Geförderte Forschungsprojekte

Magnetenzephalographische Analyse menschlicher kortikal sensorischer Prozesse und kortikaler Plastizität
ELAN-Fonds, Fonds für Forschung und Lehre des Klinikums der Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg


Kliniken Dr. Erler GmbH, Nürnberg

Zum Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Praxisnetz Nürnberg Nord

Projekt QuE (Qualität und Effizienz)